Have you ever wondered how a 23,000 sq. ft. warehouse operates? Especially during the holiday blitz? So have we. And so we looked into it, and sure enough, it really is as interesting as you’d think.
The best way to describe our Socksmith warehouse is meticulous. It’s a finely tuned machine that always runs like clockwork. Sure, the Socksmith family is a group of wacky and wonderful individuals, but our warehouse team is the backbone of our brand; they get the job done! Each shipment is lovingly packed by hand from one sock lover to another.
To get a glimpse into how effectively our Socksmith warehouse functions, we managed to steal our warehouse manager, David Magbanua, away from his 3,259-holiday orders for a brief chat. David is the quintessential pro’s pro, so we knew he’d give us the scoop on how and why our warehouse runs so incredibly well. Sure enough, he delivered. As always!
Put on your favorite Socksmith socks, and enjoy this sneak peek into how they reached your feet.
Remember, folks, life is way too short for boring socks!
"...I took a chance in a different direction when I was introduced to Socksmith founders Ellen and Eric Gil."
How did you get into your role?
This is a long story, but I’ll make it short. I was the captain of my high school cross-country and track and field teams, where I developed my leadership and collaboration skills. I then studied Health Science in college and thought that would be my career path, but I took a chance in a different direction when I was introduced to Socksmith founders Ellen and Eric Gil. I started as a warehouse associate and worked my way up to managing the warehouse.
How big is your team at the warehouse?
We have eight folks who work the full-time hours of 8:30-5:30, Monday through Friday.
Positive company culture is critical to the success of any brand. How do you keep morale high, especially during difficult times like these?
There are a few ways to keep morale high, even during the toughest of times. Caring about the needs of individuals, getting to know each team member, and enjoying time together outside of work can help to maintain a positive environment. We consciously make an effort to hang out together as often as we can.

What do you consider the most important elements of a seamless warehouse operation?
First, you need to have the right people. Finding a team who cares and loves what they do is massively important. Next, working out the logistics of everything is essential. I work with our IT manager, Ricardo, who sets up a system for success, and I tweak it a little to add character to fit everyone’s skill set.
Finally, setting a high standard for hard work that encourages everyone to respect one another is key to the type of successful warehouse we have.
"We do our best to get orders out the same day they come in."
Do you have internal goals you'd be willing to share?
We do our best to get orders out the same day they come in. I’d love for you to see us unload a container. On a good day (most days!), we can fulfill same-day orders in the system as late as 3 PM.

How much has this warehouse grown during the past five years?
We’ve already moved and upscaled twice since I started. Looking back from day one, I’m proud to say we’ve been able to grow and find success in my department.
Do you have much room to grow as far as warehouse space is concerned?
Yes. We can maximize the warehouse space by building taller racks. I hope we stay here a while.
What have been the biggest challenges since the COVID pandemic hit?
The biggest challenge was implementing safety measures such as wearing masks, sanitizing everything, and doing temperature checks. We didn’t have to think about these things as much before COVID, but now it’s become a top priority and the foundation of our work. I’m blessed to have a passionate team regarding what we do. It’s also been amazing to have Ellen and Eric, who clearly care for our health.
Have you adopted any technologies that have helped the operation?
We started our warehouse with manual picking, labor-intensive receiving and shipping of products, and tedious inventory management. We’ve since upgraded to devices for picking, scanners for accuracy, forklifts, and stackers. We’ve even invested in warehouse shoes for the team.
How do you measure the success of the warehouse operation?
Everyone has their own story regarding Socksmith’s success, but one shared theme connects everyone: The joy of working with one another. For me, Socksmith is simply love and family.
So there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. The success of Socksmith’s warehouse is due to so much more than mere logistics. Listening to David, we were struck by how much he and the rest of the team genuinely care for one another and the craft itself. Thanks to David and his warehouse team for always showing the care and concern that is a hallmark of everything we do here at Socksmith. And thank you for reading!
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