Featured Artists | Socksmith
Frida Kahlo
Rick Griffin
Curious why we chose to partner with Artist, Rick Griffin?
Rick Griffin is an American artist, and if you're not familiar with the name, we're sure you'll recognize his work! Some of his masterpieces include album covers for the Grateful Dead, Neil Young, and The Cult, and he was one of the leading designers of psychedelic posters in the 1960s.
Our Rick Griffin X NO BS collection of printed socks is seamless in design, and each style features bold colors and vivid artwork.
AtomicChild is a leading design and illustration brand based in the Colorado countryside. Inspired by adventure and the great outdoors, when creating the brand, founder Jimmy Bryant wanted to find a way to connect people with the places they’ve been and the experiences they’ve encountered. Jimmy’s art and unique approach was originally based on stylistic elements seen in stained-glass and in recent years has developed into a vintage patch style, creating the perfect shapes and designs to be displayed on accessories and apparel.
Find out more about the man behind AtomicChild, and our beautiful collection of socks.
Laurel Burch
Artist Laurel Burch has brightened the world with her fanciful, imaginative, and thoroughly charming designs.
Earlier this year we partnered with Laurel Burch Studios to create a beautiful collection of novelty socks for both men and women.
Read more about the collection, and Laurel Burch herself.